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Student Support
Have you experienced any technical issues? Here are the keys to solving them!
Technical requirements
What are the recommended technical requirements?
What is the configuration test and how to run it?
What browser should I use to attend my classes?
Which device can I access the platform from?
Platform access issues
Why isn't the class access button showing?
There's no access link to the class in the email
Error 504 - 403 - 500 - 404
What should I do if the Twenix page is not working?
Why can't I access from my corporate computer?
Class-related issues
Why hasn't my class been evaluated?
Why can't I book classes with my profile?
Connection or audio issues
What should I do if my connection fails?
What should I do if my teacher does not hear/see me and vice versa?
Problem playing audio/podcasts
Camera and microphone permissions
How to enable camera and microphone permissions on your PC?
How to enable camera and microphone permissions for iPhone?
How to enable camera and microphone permissions for Android?
I have not yet received the teacher's evaluation
Licenses and Performance
Licenses and Performance