Is the access button blocked, or are there no more activities available? 🤔
If you’re facing this issue, here are the possible reasons:
1️⃣ You’ve completed all the activities in your microcourse and haven’t selected a new one:
To continue, select a new microcourse. Remember that activities are linked to conversation classes, so it’s essential to choose a conversation topic to unlock new activities!
2️⃣ You’ve finished your microcourse and can’t select a new one:
This happens when you’re in the final level of a stage (Foundation 4, Seed 4, Early 6, Growth 8, Expansion 8). 🌟
In this case, the platform temporarily blocks the option to select a new microcourse in advance. Continue with your current microcourse until you reach 1800 points.
It’s important to complete both the 6 activities and the 6 conversation classes to unlock the next microcourse and new activities.
3️⃣ You’ve completed the activities for both selected microcourses and can’t proceed:
If you still have pending conversation classes in the first selected microcourse, you’ll need to complete them before you can select a new microcourse.
Book and attend the remaining classes to unlock the option to select a new microcourse and access new activities.
4️⃣ You’ve completed all the activities in your course:
If you’ve finished all the activities in your course (you can check this in the progress bar 📊), there are no more activities available.
In this case, we recommend using the exercises in the Library to supplement your learning with additional material.
5️⃣ The activity belongs to a completed training:
You will not be able to access activities, whether completed or pending, that belong to previous training sessions, as the learning content is only enabled, accessible, and available during the active training period.
If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us.
Our support team will be happy to help you via the platform’s chatbot by logging into your account. 😊